Date and Time
Monday Mar 31, 2025
5:30 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
March 31st, 2025. 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
1501 International Parkway, Lake Mary Florida 32746
$55 per person, (No Children Pricing)
Contact Information
Bruce Skwarlo - Co- Chairman 407-687-7471
Send Email
The Rotary Club of Lake Mary proudly presents the 19th annual Taste of Lake Mary 2025, on March 31st, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 pm. This annual fundraiser is located in Park Place at Heathrow (Adjacent to the Orlando Marriott Lake Mary) at 1501 International Parkway, Lake Mary Florida 32746. This event features numerous restaurants and wine shoppes from the local area serving complimentary sample portions. This is a ticketed event and space is limited and sells out annually. Please visit www.tasteoflakemary.org for tickets or sponsorship information. All proceeds are donated to Seminole County Charities. Info: 407-687-7471