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New Training Requirements for HOA Board Members

For years, it was relatively simple to become a board member of your homeowners’ association. In most cases, you raised your hand, went through an election and you served your community. There was often no competition because serving on an association board is a significant time commitment.

Rarely does an association board member join with years of experience managing associations. These are volunteer positions held by all types of people from all walks of life.

For training, the state required board members to read over board documents and sign an affidavit to say this was accomplished.

Classes were available, but not required. Frankly, for most associations, the volunteer board members relied on professional assistance from a professional community association manager and/or a law firm with association experience.

Not any longer. There are new requirements for volunteer board members that require very specific training and continuing education with HB 1203, which takes effect on July 1, 2024.

The attorneys at The Orlando Law Group represent more than 100 communities in Central Florida. If you live in Orlando, Winter Garden, Altamonte Springs, Kissimmee or anywhere throughout Central Florida, The Orlando Law Group is ready to help you.

How much training does a board member need?

With this new law, all board members of an association in Florida will be required to take an approved training course specifically tailored to association management. These classes have been available for some time, only now they are required.

They don’t take long – only about 90 minutes or so – but cover very specific topics listed in the new law. Specifically, the class must include “training relating to financial literacy and transparency, recordkeeping, levying of fines, and notice and meeting requirements.”

That class is required to be taken every four years as well.

But that’s not all.

Read more.

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