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Seminole County Public Schools Launches Inaugural Middle School Cyber Camp

Seminole County Public Schools is excited to announce the launch of its inaugural Cyber Camp for middle school students, a new initiative provided by the district’s ePathways Department under the Pathways to Careers Opportunities Grant (PCOG). The camp aims to spark interest in cybersecurity through a dynamic educational experience.


This unique summer program, leveraging the Air Force Association’s CyberPatriot curriculum, is tailored for students who are either new to cybersecurity or looking to deepen their existing knowledge. CyberPatriot, the national youth cyber education program, provides an ideal foundation for the camp, ensuring a rich learning environment.


In addition to the cybersecurity activities completed by students, participants will also have the opportunity to earn a digital tool certification in Cybersecurity Essentials as a demonstration of their understanding of core concepts, Internet safety, and the management of their digital footprint.

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