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The Survey Says...

A few months ago, we asked you to share your opinions about the state of business conditions in Central Florida.


Thank you to everyone who responded.


The information compiled by Orlando Economic Partnership is impressive.


Some of the key takeaways are:


  • Local business confidence surged in the first quarter of 2024, despite declining optimism in the national economy.
  • Strong performance across all metrics is behind the surge, driving future revenue expectations to a survey high.
  • Cost pressures displaced staffing issues as the most common challenge facing area businesses in Q1 2024 following a lengthy period of inflation.
  • Securing new clients was seen as a key opportunity as increased optimism prompted businesses to transition from defensive to proactive strategies.
  • Most businesses are already using Artificial Intelligence and are likely to increase their investment in the next year.


If you would like more details, please find the results of the survey here.


And, please share your concerns, your thoughts and your optimism with the second quarter survey, which has a focus on staffing concerns.

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