Wednesday Mar 26, 2025
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT
Wednesday, March 26th @ 12 Noon ET
LIVE (no cost) online event.
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LIVE (no cost) online event.
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Eric C. Boughman
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Attorney Eric C. Boughman of ForsterBoughman explores the RECO Method, showing how fear of loss can drive stronger negotiation outcomes, in his seminar:
The RECO Method: Leveraging Worst-Case Scenarios in Negotiation
In this seminar, we explore The RECO Method (Realistic Exposure to Catastrophic Outcome) and how confronting worst-case scenarios can shift negotiation dynamics in your favor. By applying Prospect Theory and Loss Aversion, we examine why the fear of loss is a stronger motivator than the potential for gain. Through key tactics such as Reality Testing, BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) Exploration, and leveraging Loss Aversion, we will analyze real-world examples from healthcare contracts, legal disputes, and business negotiations. Attendees will learn how to strategically use RECO to strengthen their negotiation position and drive better outcomes.
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1055 AAA Drive, Suite 153, Heathrow, FL 32746 – (407) 708-4600 –