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9 Brain Boosting Activities by Nancy Ludin, CEO Jewish Pavilio

  1. Sing- Seniors choirs offer joy and a feeling of togetherness. Musical instruments are appealing and playing boosts brain health. Safe Sauna bathing Researchers say that the heat may activate protective proteins and better cardiovascular functioning, reduce inflammation, offer better sleep, reduce stress, and increase relaxation.
  2. Tai chi. Tai chi is a slow-motion exercise for self-defense and meditation.
  3. Cultivate a positive attitude toward aging. Negative attitudes about aging have a striking effect on memory and on health in general.
  4. Get the flu and/or pneumonia vaccination.
  5. Have a positive outlook and be optimistic.
  6. Add berries, apples, and green tea to your diet.
  7. Drink coffee.
  8. Get a good night’s sleep.
  9. Find a purpose such as giving emotional support to your extended family volunteering, working at a worthwhile job, engaging in a hobby or creative activity or developing a business that uses your strengths and skills.
While most seniors face major adjustments when transitioning to an elder-care community, Jewish seniors face additional challenges. Not only do they lose their homes, and many of their friends, but they also lose ties to their cultural heritage. This is where the Jewish Pavilion, a 501c3 non-profit, steps in. The Pavilion serves as a resource that provides room visits, festive holiday celebrations, and more to 450
Jewish residents in fifty facilities for seniors. The Jewish Pavilion promotes inclusion, and thousands of seniors of all faiths are welcomed into our programs. 

The Orlando Senior Help Desk (407-678-9363) helps thousands of callers navigate their way through the daunting senior maze, alleviating caregiver stress while giving advice on all types of elder issues.

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