Economic Development
There are plenty of good reasons to locate your business in Seminole County. Everything a successful business could need is right here. A warm and inviting climate, an unmatched quality of life, a nationally ranked education system that provides the best educated workforce resources in the region, and a high transferee acceptance rate among employment recruiters.
Seminole County has prepared for growth with everything from a new expressway to pre-approved development sites, specialized job training, and infrastructure incentives. This is a community well prepared to do business with business. Get to know Seminole County, one of the fastest growing markets in the country. We are a great place to visit and an even better place to live, work and play.
A membership in the Seminole County Chamber improves the economic vitality of the region, by creating thriving businesses. You can be actively involved in our efforts by joining our Economic Development Committee.
Besides the Seminole County Chamber, there are three main organizations focused on economic development
Seminole County Economic Development
This division of Seminole County Government is focused on working with businesses of all sizes to ensure they have the tools they need to succeed.
For more information, please visit the Seminole County Economic Development website.
Orlando Economic Partnership (OEP)
The Orlando Economic Partnership (OEP) is the regional organization dedicated to meeting the needs of today's industries and creating a competitive economic climate where businesses can thrive. To meet this goal, the OEP provides key services and support, which range from relocation and expansion expertise to long-term planning with our community partners.
For more information, visit the Orlando Economic Partnership website.
Seminole State College Center for Business Development
The college supports small business as a Center for Business Development, with no-cost consulting for Pre-venture, Start-up, and 2nd Stage Enterprises, seminars, Advisory Board, Business Incubation Program, Corporate College/contract Training, and Training Grants.
For more information, please visit the Center for Business Development website.

Manufacturers Association of Central Florida
MACF is the regional, industry-led partnership that strengthens and measurably advances Central Florida’s manufacturing economy. Our mission is to improve the productivity and technological performance of Central Florida’s manufacturing sector through advocacy, training, workforce development and the sharing of best practices.
For more information, please visit the Manufacturers Association of Central Florida