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Google Analytics 4 (GA4) – Should You Take Action?

If you are a website owner or administrator, or run an online business, you have probably been notified that starting July 1st, Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) will move over to Google Analytics 4 – or GA4.

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is none-other than the latest version of Google’s web analytics platform that offers incredible new features and capabilities to power up your business conversions and measure user behavior and interactions.

If you are still using a Universal Analytics property, you might be wondering if you need to do anything to switch to GA4 or if you can keep using your existing setup.

In this blog post, we will help you navigate this big change by exploring the pros and cons of both doing nothing (the setup will automatically migrate) and setting up GA4 from scratch, and how to decide if you should do it yourself or hire a developer.

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This article should help you figure out if you need to take action, but if you are not sure, we would love to help. Schedule a free consultation now!



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