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September is National Fall Prevention Awareness Month!

One in four adults over the age of 65 fall each year and are the primary cause of injuries and injury-related deaths among seniors.  Over 36 million falls are reported by older adults annually, resulting in over 28 million injuries and 800,000+ hospitalizations.  Falling results in over 32,00 fatalities yearly, is the #1cause of injury related deaths in those 65+ and the most common cause of traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Some of the impacts on seniors’ who fall include physical injury, pain and discomfort, increased “fear of falling”, reduced mobility, functional decline, along with hospitalization, rehabilitation and increased healthcare costs.

So, what are some strategies for fall prevention among seniors?

  • Regular exercise and strength training to improve balance and muscle strength.
  • Medication review to identify/reduce those that may increase the risk of falling.
  • Home modifications to eliminate hazards and improve safety (handrails, trip hazards, etc.)
  • Regular vision and hearing checkups.
  • Adequate nutrition and hydration.
  • The use of assistive devices, such as csnes or walkers, when needed.
  • Fall awareness and education for the senior, their family members and caregivers.

Preventing falls and addressing their consequences are essential for promoting the health and well-being of older adults and maintaining their independence.  Consulting with healthcare professionals and implementing preventative measures can significantly reduce the risk impact of falls in seniors.


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