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The Importance of Employer Branding for Attracting Candidates

Does this sound like you? 
You need better marketing. You’re a solopreneur, or a small business owner, and your employer marketing is minimal. (Even some of your friends have no clue what exactly you do.) You’d love to be a company that people recognize, and have a steady stream of people lining up to work for you if you had a job opening. Before a candidate applies for a job with you, know that they are Googling you. What are they finding online? 
But, as a business owner, not a marketing specialist. You don’t want to learn how to make graphics, build a social media presence, use hashtags, and all that jazz. You just want to run the business. 
You can find free advice on attracting top talent to your brand by following along with us at Sipley the Best on Facebook, Instagram, and Indeed. We offer guidance for building a strong presence both online and in the community. But, if you want someone to take care of the marketing, consider our Marketing Kit for the Small Business Owner! We work with you to develop graphics, job ads, job descriptions, applications, and other materials you need to hire, for a one-time fee. 

Our Marketing Kit is: 


Affordable: Choose from our flat, one-time fee options, tailored to your needs. No hidden fees; what you see listed is what you get. 


Expert-Driven: As an HR Consulting firm, we know what job seekers prioritize and will help you build a marketing package targeting your ideal candidates. 


Sustainable, Not Sales-y: We provide you with tangible marketing materials to catch job seekers’ attention and build your reputation as THE company to work for. We want to be your branding coach and build that steady pipeline of amazing talent for your company.  


Ready to make your mark in the job market? Contact us today by emailing or filling out this form.

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