Date and Time
Thursday Dec 1, 2022
7:30 AM - 9:00 AM EST
Networking 7:30-8:00 am
Program 8:00-9:00 am
Lake Mary Events Center
260 N. Country Club Road
Lake Mary, FL 32746
Note: the program will be recorded as a podcast and available for listening following the event on multiple streaming platforms.
RSVP Required
If you are unable to register due to the event being full, please add yourself to the waiting list and you will be contacted if a space should open up.
FREE for Members
$15 for Non-Members
Corporate Tables:
$150 for Members
$250 for Non-Members
Contact Information
Nathaniel Arner - 407-708-4602
Send Email

Orlando is Becoming the Center of the Metaverse?!
Find out what this means and how your business can become part of the center of tomorrow's technology hub today.
- Laureen Martinez, vice president of marketing and branding, Orlando Economic Partnership
- Mark Evans, CEO, Bubo Learning Design

J. Wayne Miller Company
Alan Byrd & Associates
The Orlando Law Group
Waste Pro
Genske & Co. Accounting
Interested in purchasing a display table at the event? Email for more information.
*All Event tickets are non-refundable
For now, our event guidelines will be:
- All host venues will be adhering to current guidelines regarding setup and cleaning schedules
- Masks, fist bumps and elbow rubs are encouraged, handshakes and hugs are discouraged
- Hand sanitizer will be available at check-in
Plus, we trust that you will stay home if you (or someone in your household) has
- Had a fever in last 24 hours
- Had a cough, congestion or runny nose
- Have been exposed to someone who tested positive in the past two weeks.
By following these simple regulations, we know we will be able to have great meetings and networking and keep Seminole County safe!
If you would like to attend as a guest, contact Dena Hansen, Director Of Membership at 407-708-4609 or dhansen@seminolebusiness.orgAttendance at or participation in SCC meetings and events constitutes an agreement by the registrant to SCC's use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the registrant or attendee's image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions and audiotapes of all events and activities