Date and Time
Thursday Mar 27, 2025
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM EDT
Check-in: 11:30 am - 12:00 pm
Program: 12:00 - 1:30 pm
Orlando Marriott Lake Mary
1501 International Parkway
Lake Mary, FL 32746
Open Seating:
$40 Member
$60 Non-Member
Corporate Table of 8:
$550 Member
$650 Non-Member
*Includes a reserved priority table with 8 seats and company signage
Vegetarian, Vegan and Gluten Free options are available.
Must request by March 19 or your request cannot be guaranteed!
Please include meal your request and any food allergies or dietary restrictions in the 'Attendee Comments' section during registration.
Contact Information
Erin Eble - Director of Events - office: 407-708-4613
Send Email
The Professional Women's Luncheon has set the standard for showcasing successful women in an environment that is inspiring and exciting. At each lunch, a high profile woman shares her life story, giving attendees a look into the struggles and accomplishments of women throughout Central Florida. Likewise, the luncheon is attended by successful business women who participate in special activities designed to facilitate introductions.
During this luncheon, a community leader will share her inspiring personal story and professional journey, which may include recollections of violent and/or traumatic events. We encourage all guests to prioritize their own wellbeing and consider their tolerance for these topics when deciding whether or not to attend.
Carol Ann Logue
Director, Central Florida Tech Grove of the UCF Research Foundation, and Director, Programs & Operations for the Innovation Districts & Incubation Program at University of Central Florida
Ms. Logue serves as Director of the University of Central Florida's nine-site Business Incubation Program and Innovation Districts. Four incubators are located in the three UCF Innovation Districts anchored around UCF campuses focusing on early-stage companies in specific clusters of technology and industry that are key drivers of Central Florida’s economy. Five others are located in other areas of Metro Orlando serving a wide range of fast-growing companies.
Ms. Logue is also Co-Founder and Director of the Central Florida Tech Grove which is a unique virtual and physical innovation collaboration hub established through a Partnership Intermediary Agreement (PIA) between the UCF Research Foundation and the Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division. Additional PIA members and funders are the simulation & training acquisition commands of the Army (PEO STRI, STTC) and Army Futures Command (STE CFT), Air Force (AFAMS), Marine Corps (PM TRASYS), Defense Health Agency, OSD’s Advanced Distributed Learning, and Office of Naval Research through the NavalX Central Florida Tech Bridge.
Prior to joining UCF, she was a member of the University of Florida faculty serving as Associate Director for the Southern Technology Applications Center supporting NASA and other federal laboratories and universities across nine southeastern states in their technology transfer and commercialization activities as well as the companies commercializing the federally-funded technologies.
She has served as Vice President of Information Services for Technology Strategic Planning Inc. (a spinout from the Defense Intelligence Agency) providing global competitive technology analysis for Fortune 50 clients, and as an Information Specialist at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.
Carol Ann serves as the UCF representative on the Executive Board of the Orlando Tech Community. She represents UCF on the Boards of Team Orlando, NDIA Central Florida Chapter, VRARA Central Florida, and the Florida Photonics Cluster. She also serves as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Central Florida STEM Education Council.
She graduated from the University of Arkansas with a BS in Biology and from Louisiana State University with an MS in Library and Information Science.
Florida Blue
Sonata Senior Living
Orlando Pride
Fairvilla Stores
Seminole State College
If you would like more info on this event, contact Erin Eble, Director Of Events at 407-708-4613 or