Date and Time
Thursday May 15, 2025
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM EDT
Check-in: 11:30 am - 12:00 pm
Program: 12:00 - 1:30 pm
Hilton Orlando Altamonte Springs
350 Northlake Blvd.
Altamonte Springs, FL 32701
Open Seating:
$40 Member
$60 Non-Member
Corporate Table of 8:
$550 Member
$650 Non-Member
*Includes a reserved priority table with 8 seats and company signage
Vegetarian, Vegan and Gluten Free options are available.
Must request by May 1st or your request cannot be guaranteed!
Please include meal your request and any food allergies or dietary restrictions in the 'Attendee Comments' section during registration.
Contact Information
Erin Eble - Director of Events - office: 407-708-4613
Send Email

The Professional Women's Luncheon has set the standard for showcasing successful women in an environment that is inspiring and exciting. At each lunch, a high profile woman shares her life story, giving attendees a look into the struggles and accomplishments of women throughout Central Florida. Likewise, the luncheon is attended by successful business women who participate in special activities designed to facilitate introductions.
During this luncheon, a community leader will share her inspiring personal story and professional journey, which may include recollections of violent and/or traumatic events. We encourage all guests to prioritize their own wellbeing and consider their tolerance for these topics when deciding whether or not to attend.
Dr. Georgia Lorenz, president, Seminole State College
Dr. Georgia Lorenz began her tenure as the third president of Seminole State College of Florida on August 1, 2018. Under Dr. Lorenz’s leadership, Seminole State was named a top ten finalist for the 2025 Aspen Prize for College Excellence. Dr. Lorenz serves as the Chair for the board of IMPOWER, which includes The Village program. The program offers safe, affordable housing combined with comprehensive wraparound supports for homeless and former foster youth ages 18-24. She also serves as the Vice-Chair of the Florida College System’s Council of Presidents. In addition, Dr. Lorenz serves on the boards of organizations including the Orlando Economic Partnership, AdventHealth Central Florida division, Heart of Florida United Way, Florida Citrus Sports, and the Association of Florida Colleges. She was recognized by Phi Theta Kappa with the Shirley B. Gordon Award of Distinction and by the Orlando Business Journal as a 2021 CEO of the Year, a 2022 Power Player, and a 2023 Woman Who Means Business.
Dr. Lorenz has spent her career in higher education at both universities and community colleges, working in student affairs, academic research, and academic affairs prior to joining Seminole State. She earned a Ph.D. in Educational Policy, Planning and Administration at the University of Southern California (USC), where she was awarded the Delta Epsilon Dissertation Award of Merit. She holds a Master of Science in Education and Social Policy from Northwestern University and a Bachelor of Arts in English from Stanford University. Dr. Lorenz and her husband, Mike, love being a part of Seminole County and the broader Central Florida community.
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Florida Blue
Sonata Senior Living
Orlando Pride
Fairvilla Stores
Seminole State College
If you would like more info on this event, contact Erin Eble, Director Of Events at 407-708-4613 or