Date and Time
Saturday Dec 7, 2024
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM EST
December 7th
$4:30 Pm - 6:30
2706 Wells Avenue, Fern Park FL
Just off 17/92
Free to attend
Contact Information
Paul Bertram 407-256-5317
Send Email

Old Glory Post 183 American Legion Is hosting the 82nd Remembrance of the attack on Pearl Harbor
A Lakeside Flag ceremony includes taking down the 50 star flag and putting up a 48 star flag
This ceremony is conducted by the South Seminole Academy JROTC that POST 183 supports
December 7th 4:30 PM, the ceremony will begin at 5:00PM and last about an Hour
Free parking is in the field opposite of the building
Paul Bertram - A Navy Vietnam Veteran and Service Officer for the Post attended the 30th Pearl Harbor Anniversary at Pearl Harbor and will recount the attack and a conversation he had with one of the survivors.
The event is a great history lesson for all