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Do You Have A Grip On Your Business Or Does It Have A Grip On You?

Many business owners and entrepreneurs ask themselves this question at one point or another.  In my experience, this question surfaces when they are working late into the night or on the weekends.   Or perhaps it comes up when you miss a family event.  

Does it have to be this way?   The answer is NO!   

There is a way to orchestrate and harmonize all the moving parts of a business and for you to take back control of your time and energy.   

Sounds too good to be true?   It's not.  

The answer is in the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS).   

When developing EOS, Gino Wickman made a discovery that most entrepreneurs are frustrated and have the feeling of being stuck.  No matter what they do they can't seem to get ahead.     These frustrations come in one or more ways.  

One of the things we see business owners and leaders frustrated about all the time is a feeling that they're not in control of the business.  It's this feeling that you're out of control and your business is in charge.  

The second frustration is profit.  You're just not making enough money for the investment you've made of time, money, and emotional investment in your business. 

The third common frustration is people. People are frustrating. The typical entrepreneurial company,  the owner and leaders are frustrated with their employees.   Nobody seems to get it or want it or care as much as you do.  If that sounds familiar you're just normal.  

The fourth frustration is this feeling of hitting the ceiling.  A lot of entrepreneurs talk about this and describe it as hitting a plateau or slowing the growth curve.


The fifth frustration is the feeling that everything you're trying to fix being stuck and frustrated isn't working and you're trying a lot of things. You've read every book, you've listened to every consultant or business thought leader but it feels like you're a flavor of the month leader and you're becoming a flavor of the month company and nothing's working. 


The good news is that these frustrations can be solved by using the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) and strengthening the six key components of your business.   


So what are the six key components of a successful business?   


The first key component is the Vision component.  This is a clear articulation of where you are taking this organization and how you plan to get there.   


The second is the People component. You have to have great people that can perform in their job to achieve success. 


The Data component is running your business on objective facts, figures and KPIs rather than on emotion or ego that often drives entrepreneurial decision-making.  


When you strengthen the first three components the organization will become very transparent.   You will be able to clearly identify all the imperfections but also the great ideas and opportunities.     


This transparency leads to the fourth key component,  the Issues component. To run and grow a great business you must be able to identify your issues and create a plan to make them go away forever.    


The fifth key component of any great company is the Process Component.   To run a business that will scale consistently you need to do the most important things right and best way every single time.  By running on process the business becomes easier to manage and more profitable.  


What most businesses and organizations lack in executing on their vision.   Bringing that vision down to the ground and executing on it day in and day out.    Strengthening the Traction component will help you achieve your business goals by instilling discipline and accountability throughout the organization. 


Strengthening these six key components of your business will help you with the five frustrations listed above and help you break through the ceiling to achieve success.   


Want to learn the specific tools and disciplines to strengthen these Six Key Components?     I am offering a 90-minute complimentary session and a free copy of Traction to show you the tools and disciplines.    

There is a way to achieve success and live a better entrepreneurial life.  Give me a call or send me an email and get a grip on your business.   


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