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Know the Rules for Service Animals as an AirBNB Host

Being a host of an AirBNB can be a rewarding business, providing a source of income for investment properties. Of course, there are always hassles with guests over myriad issues.

One thing that is difficult to argue over is service animals.

To be clear, if you are an AirBNB host and try to deny a guest accommodation for a service animal, you could be charged with a crime.

When it comes to service animals, it’s best to let guests utilize a service animal in nearly all cases otherwise you risk serious repercussions.

The Orlando Law Group can help you work through all the regulations – like service animals and other Americans with Disability Act issues – that come with being an AirBNB host.

What are the service animal rules for an AirBNB?

In Florida, any AirBNB rentals are classified as vacation rentals, which puts them under the “public accommodation” category. That means any regulations under the ADA legislation apply to AirBNB.

Federal law prohibits any business offering public accommodation from refusing any service animal from entering an establishment.

In some ways, the regulations covering service animals are relatively strict. According to“a service animal is defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability.  The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the person’s disability.”

In Florida, the only difference is that a service animal can also be a miniature horse.

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