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Make A Difference This Week by Supporting A Great Cause

Yesterday, more than 125 of our members and many guests heard about the issue of homelessness in Seminole County.


Perhaps the most horrific statistic is that there are currently 318 Seminole County students sleeping in cars or tents.


Everyone agrees that one child sleeping in a car is too many.


The message was clear from the panel. For Seminole County to address the issue of homelessness, it's going to take everyone helping; government, businesses, churches and individuals all have an equal role.


The question for many is how to help.


Of course, our two non-profits who talked about homelessness can use donations, volunteers and more, but there are nearly 100 non-profit organizations that could use your help.


If homelessness is an issue important to you, there are many groups you can help. If you care about animals, cancer, addiction, domestic violence and more, you can find them through the Seminole County Chamber.


Here's a link to all the non-profit organizations investing in the Seminole County Chamber.


This week we all had many requests for donations for Giving Tuesday. Please consider one last contribution to a group in our community. Your support will make Seminole County stronger.


Again, here's the link. If you want some guidance, please feel free to reach out to any of our staff members who can help guide you.

Seminole County Chamber

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