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Preventing Melanoma

A suntanned face may look healthy, but the pursuit of a tan can be harmful to your skin's health. Understanding the impact of tanning, especially its link to melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, is crucial. Alarmingly, just one indoor tanning session before the age of 35 increases the risk of melanoma by 75%.

How Tanning Works

Tanning occurs when your skin is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or tanning beds. This exposure damages the cells in your skin's outer layer, prompting the production of melanin to protect itself. Melanin darkens the skin, resulting in a tan.

However, this process begins damaging your skin from the first tan. The damage accumulates over a lifetime, leading to premature aging, fine lines, wrinkles, freckles, and dark spots. Regardless of skin tone, tanning can harm your skin, potentially resulting in leathery, tough skin.

Indoor Tanning Myths

Many believe indoor tanning is safe, but this is a misconception. Myths about indoor tanning include:
• Tanning beds are a safe alternative to sunlight.
• A "base tan" prevents sunburn.
• Tanning beds provide adequate Vitamin D.

These claims are false. Indoor tanning also increases the risk of melanoma. A study by the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives revealed that 90% of tanning bed staff incorrectly informed fair-skinned teenage girls that tanning posed no health risk and even touted false health benefits. Contrary to these claims, the World Health Organization classifies indoor tanning devices as carcinogenic, placing them in the same category as tobacco.

Consequently, more than 40 states restrict indoor tanning for minors, often requiring parental consent.

Healthy Alternatives to Tanning

To achieve a sun-kissed look without the risks, consider these alternatives:
• Use approved tanning products for a golden glow, but continue to use sunscreen.
• Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water to keep your skin radiant.
• Regular exercise can also give your skin a healthy glow and boost your mood.

Taking care of your skin, your body's largest organ, is essential. Healthy, radiant skin is far more desirable than a tan.

Jewish Pavilion Senior Services

Transitioning to an elder-care community presents significant challenges, particularly for Jewish seniors who may feel a loss of connection to their cultural heritage. Jewish Pavilion Senior Services, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, supports these individuals by providing room visits, holiday celebrations, and other activities to 450 Jewish residents in 50 senior facilities. Promoting inclusion, Jewish Pavilion Senior Services welcomes seniors of all faiths into its programs. More information can be found at

The Orlando Senior Help Desk (at 407-678-9363), a free resource provided by Jewish Pavilion Senior Services, assists thousands of callers with elder care issues, easing caregiver stress and offering guidance on a variety of senior-related concerns. Learn more at

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