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Tips for Nursing Home Visits to Make Them More Meaningful

Oftentimes, as nursing home residents decline, they lose the ability to communicate. Sadly, this is a time when families stop visiting as often because they don’t know what to say or how to make the visits meaningful for the family, as well as their loved one. Sometimes, just being present can be satisfying.

Here are some tips for the families.

1. Prepare for the visit ahead of time. Bring items of interest with you. For example; if your loved one enjoys pets, you could bring your family pet to visit. If he loves music, bring music to play.

2. Talk with your loved one about events going on in the community or family.

3. Bring their favorite food for the visit,

4. Reminisce about past life experiences. Bring in old family photographs. They may enjoy just listening to your memories.

5. On their calendar, take a highlighter and mark the date of your next visit. This will remind them that you will be returning soon.

6. Personalize their room.

7. Bring a book of their favorite author and read to him during your visit.

8. Bring flowers.

9. Provide hand massages and back rubs.

10. Include children in the visit. Don’t be afraid to laugh and share humorous stories. Bring funny cartoons and funny stories to share. It’s ok to laugh.

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