Date and Time
Friday May 23, 2025
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
Happy Hour specials after the meeting if you would like to stay and network!
$15 to attend, buffet lunch is provided!
Registration closes at 11:30am the day of the event.
If you are unable to register due to the event being full, please add yourself to the waiting list and you will be contacted if a space should open up.
Contact Information
Paulina Seminara - Events Coordinator
office: 407-708-4613
cell: 407-797-6631
Send Email

*Registration Must be Completed in Advance to Attend, Payment Will NOT be Taken at the Door*
Business Alliance Council Lunch & Learn
Join the Business Alliance Council for a monthly Lunch & Learn meeting on the 4th Friday of every month for important information for your business and the Oviedo community. This is another Seminole County Chamber benefit for you to network and connect with area businesses. After the program Oviedo Brewing Company will be open with happy hour specials for chamber members who would like to stay and network!
A buffet lunch will be provided by Oviedo Brewing Company.
Thank you to our Sponsor
Click the Facebook link to follow our page!
*All Event tickets are non-refundable
Attendance at or participation in SCC meetings and events constitutes an agreement by the registrant to SCC?s use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the registrant or attendee?s image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions and audiotapes of all events and activities